Annual Retreat: Wilderness Lake

Live Wild and Free at a Private Lakefront Getaway in the Kootenays

Three mountains covered in leafy trees with a lake at the base and a handful of fluffy clouds in the bright blue sky.

Each year in June, Solar Power Health hosts the Wilderness Lake Retreat, a small retreat for seven lucky people involving a variety of daily activities to help inspire and reinvigorate the soul.

Sandy sits and leads yoga on the dock as several women lay on mats in front of her. Below them is the lake and in the background are tree-covered mountains.

Activities include having fun in the lake and lake tours—there’s even a kayak and you can bring your own paddleboard! Hiking is also encouraged, and there are planned trips to a nearby natural hot springs as well as to amazing waterfalls, the sheer power of which can revitalize every cell in your body!

We walk to the pier for yoga, soundbaths, and to sun ourselves, and we learn wild crafting: I take participants out into an old-growth Cedar forest that’s existed for centuries. Here, we forage and make food from what we find; we also craft Cedar smudge bundles and other items to lift our souls and spirits.

We often enjoy hot tub time in the mornings or evenings, and every night we have a fire on the beach.

While many of these activities are best experienced as a part of the group, there’s plenty of time for whatever mode of rest and relaxation best speaks to your heart.

Is the Solar Power Health Wilderness Lake Retreat a Good Fit for You?

While all your needs will be met on this incredible adventure, it’s important to remember that it takes place in the wilderness. If you’re not a fan of getting your feet a bit dirty and giving up some of the creature comforts of the city for the thrills of the mountain forests, you may want to reconsider.

A bear walks on a dirt path through a forested area. In the foreground is a stream, and along its bank are grassy and leafy patches intermixed with mud slopes. In the background on the far side of the path among the green vegetation are fallen trees.

Note that bears are in plain view all around us all the time. There is no cell phone reception—at all—and very limited wifi. It is a wonderful way to connect with nature, but if the thought of being so digitally disconnected gives you any anxiety, it may not be the right fit for you.

The retreat also has a very laidback tone and encourages attendees to relax into the flow around them—to really dig into whatever form of relaxation they’re craving. Plenty of activities will be planned in advance, but if you’re looking for a rigid schedule, you my want to pass on this one. We’re here to experience the movement of the wilderness and to go with the flow of nature.

Lastly, this event involves a number of highly physical activities: hiking, yoga, playing in the water, etc. While you don’t need to be a high-powered athlete to enjoy these activities, you’ll get the most out of your time if you’re able and willing to break a sweat and keep up with the group.

A plated array of foraged items, including small yellow flowers, cardamom pods, leaves, and other herbs. They sit in white dishes atop a white tablecloth.

Dates, Accommodations, and Prices for Wilderness Late Retreat 2024

The next Wilderness Lake Retreat will take place June 18th–22nd, 2024.

This year we’re offering two types of accommodations:

Shared Suite—Queen bed

  • Shared suites have a view of the lake
  • These suites have 3 beds: 2 queen beds side-by-side in the bedroom and one (very comfortable) hide-a-bed in the living room

The price for Lakeview Shared Suites is $768 + tax.

Private Rooms

  • 3 private rooms are available in total
  • These are built into the concrete under the first-deck suites: there are no windows and therefore, these rooms are not good for the claustrophobic
  • Privacy and access to the upstairs suites 💞💞💞

The price for Private Rooms is $700 + tax.

For inquiries, feel free to Contact Sandy.

Several women stand in a treehouse high up in the canopy of a leafy tree.

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