Natural Healing and Relaxation Services, Classes, Soundbaths, and More

Holistic Health Solutions

Below is a brief listing of services offered by Solar Power Health. For a full list of relaxation and other services that includes pricing, click here.

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Solar Power Health Services in Calgary, Cochrane, and Beyond

Astrology-Related Services

SPH offers a variety of astrology-related services, including the following: Cosmic Counsel, Astrological Healing Certification Courses, psychological, medical, and karmic astrology sessions, synastry readings, centaur readings, and more. learn more >>

Master-Level Classes in Usui, Karuna, and Shamanic Reiki

Solar Power Health offers courses in Usui, Karuna, and Shamanic Reiki—including courses up to the Master level for all three. If you’re looking to deepen your spiritual connection with the world and learn how to promote healing within yourself and your loved ones, these courses are for you. see all classes >>

Private and Group Soundbaths for Balance, Healing, and Celebration

Solar Power Health regularly conducts Soundbaths and Ceremonies centred around a variety of topics including balancing your chakras, learning more about your past self while exploring what the future may hold, embracing the feminine and the divine, and more. Soundbaths are also offered to embrace and grow magic as well as to celebrate the changing of the seasons. In addition, Sandy offers private Soundbaths and Ceremonies centred on whatever is inspiring or ailing you. see all soundbaths >>

Workshops for Emotional, Spiritual, and Physical Health

The topics of Solar Power Health’s workshops range from gut-healing superfoods to an introduction to smudging to how to take your dreaming to the next level. Return regularly for an updated list—Sandy is a passionate teacher and is always putting together new workshops so that she can share an evolving body of knowledge with others in order to help them grow in their spiritual, emotional, and physical journeys. see all workshops >>

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