Posted by Sandy Mulroy | April 24, 2020
Kitchen Staples, Plant-Based Raw, Plant-Oriented Lifestyle, Recipes, Snacks
Anyone who knows me knows of my love for pickles and trees. So, I combined them! The amount of deliciousness they provide cannot be described in mere mortal words. read more >>
Posted by Sandy Mulroy | May 15, 2019
Plant-Based Raw, Plant-Oriented Lifestyle, Recipes, Soups
This soup is based off a recipe by Raw Chef Dan from Quintessence, a restaurant in New York. It’s one of my go-to staples from my raw vegan days (I’m still majority raw vegan, but I *super love* cooked veggies and quinoa…so, I compromise), and I hope it’ll become one of yours, as well. read more >>
Posted by Sandy Mulroy | May 13, 2019
Plant-Based Raw, Plant-Oriented Lifestyle
Going raw is on the rise among health-minded individuals—and for good reason. Many who try out a primarily raw diet (myself included) tend to find that it helps us feel so much better on the inside—and look so much brighter on the outside. For some, going raw has allowed them to rediscover how their bodies are interconnected to the natural world. For others, it’s simply helped them to lose weight, eat more intuitively, and learn more about how their bodies process food. read more >>
Posted by Sandy Mulroy | December 1, 2016
Beverages, Plant-Based Raw
Cantaloupe is one of the top foods that fight depression and its seeds are high in protein as well as the good kind of fats—not to mention minerals! Plus, these fats help slow down the absorption of sugar, lessening the impact on our blood sugar levels. read more >>