Sandy smiling into the sun

Whole-Food Plant-Based Recipes, Articles, and Other Great Readings to Make You Feel Good

Welcome to the Solar Power Health Blog

One of my passions in life is expanding my knowledge of traditional and holistic healing practices as well as crafting divine plant-based recipes that not only taste good, they nurture the mind, body, and spirit. Equally important to me is sharing and teaching. Below I’ve created a collection of articles and recipes that I hope will speak to your soul as much as they speak to mine. If there’s a topic you’re curious about and would like my insight into, contact me. Chances are, I would love to write something up to share with the world here on the Solar Power Blog.

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Solar Power Recipe: Spicy Evergreen Forest Pickles

Posted by | April 24, 2020
Kitchen Staples, Plant-Based Raw, Plant-Oriented Lifestyle, Recipes, Snacks

Anyone who knows me knows of my love for pickles and trees. So, I combined them! The amount of deliciousness they provide cannot be described in mere mortal words. read more >>


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Solar Power Recipe: Kola Chaga Cappuccino

Posted by | April 18, 2020
Beverages, Plant-Oriented Lifestyle, Recipes

We did the "Wild Thing" in our yoga class yesterday and this idea started brewing in my head. It tastes like a creamy, espresso-rich hot drink. I am happy to say it is brilliant, and it features Chaga—the "King of Medicinal Mushrooms" (a fungus so intelligent, it knows exactly how to work with your immune system). read more >>


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Watch: Honoring the Light Soundbath

Posted by | April 14, 2020
Soundbaths, Videos

This is the perfect Soundbath for those who struggle from fatigue, depression, and loneliness. The vibrations will energize you and open the crown, and—with the Atlantic Gong—activate the upper chakras, reminding you this is just an experience and that you are eternal, you are evolving, you are DIVINE. read more >>


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Solar Power Recipe: Roasted Beet and Dill Hummus

Posted by | April 7, 2020
Dips and Spreads, Plant-Oriented Lifestyle, Recipes, Snacks

This hummus is my favourite spread for wraps, works great as a dip, and is absolutely fantastic when stuffed in mushrooms. The earthiness of the beets mixed with the muddiness of mushrooms and the spirit of the dill comes together as such a divine medley. read more >>


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Solar Power Recipe: Vegan Mayonnaise

Posted by | January 3, 2020
Dips and Spreads, Kitchen Staples, Plant-Oriented Lifestyle, Recipes

Last September I did an Ayahuasca Ceremony that changed my life. Since that day, I have only allowed "whole foods" to honor my body, meaning no store-bought condiments or packaged "convenience" foods. It’s been humbling and exploratory on all levels—even as someone who is used to concocting imaginative plant-based alternatives to all sorts of foods on a daily basis. (And, yes, I get "hangry" just… read more >>


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